More than just a stadium.

Feel the pride of your team with StadiFRAMES 3D miniature stadium models. Our intricately detailed replicas are the perfect gift for a football fan, capturing the spirit of the home ground that is so special to diehard supporters. Each Frame is a distinctive piece of art offering a tangible reminder of the beloved stadiums and surrounding areas for devoted fans to enjoy beyond match-day. Designed by fans for fans with one aim; to transport the magic of the atmosphere and the memories that have been created over generations into your own home.

How Each StadiFRAME Is Made

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STEP 1: Source Data Gathering

We generate our base dataset by combining many different data layers. This varies from area to area but usually includes floor plans, digitalised stadium and immediate vicinity layouts, satellite imagery, Lidar data and more.

This gives us the ability to theoretically create a scale 3D model from every stadium/area/city on earth.

STEP 2: Adding The Detail

Once source data is processed its over to our designers to build the detail by hand, building by building, and the details of the iconic stadium shape start coming together. We compare our models, which have been mainly computer-generated, with the real-life photos, Google Earth and current images from social media as reference. This process takes many hours, but ensures high accuracy and outstanding details as well as refinement for ease of production.

New building projects and construction sites, like the new stand for the Liverpool Football Stadium are added using preview renderings produced by architectural firms, keeping our models as up to date as possible.

STEP 3: Refining & Optimising

Our design team have years of experience in 3D printing and understand exactly what our machines are capable of.

We optimise our 3D digital models to make them printable while staying as close to the real Stadium area as possible. Such process includes the refinement of structures like gantry & cables, overhangs & bridges, detailed facades and the base terrain.

STEP 4: Hand Assembly & Prep

Once print production is complete, all models are subject to quality control checks for accuracy and finish. Models are then mounted into the frame by hand, and packed securely for shipping.